A non-philosopher’s philosophical thoughts

The Questions: what is our soul? where is it? is it somewhere? how come it is different for every individual person?   The Non-Philosophers Answers: If our soul truly is a thing, how come we don’t know what it is? How come, we can ever just think of it as something that is nothing? How…


Sometimes I wish that they could see, Sometimes I wish they were not blind, Sometimes I wish that I could prove, That I’m so much more that they could ever dream, or be, or fear.   I wish I could strike them with the worst of all curses, Just to show that I am able,…

When I try

Some people like me some people don’t I love myself even if they won’t Some people lie, some people cry and some do both. Either way, it is about me. I try so hard to ignore, to pay no attention, but somehow it makes tension. And it hurts to know these cries and lies have…

Când cad și cum mă ridic

De mult ori am căzut, de multe ori nu am putut. Însă de multe ori m-am ridicat după ce multe am încercat. Când cad, cerul se-nnegrește și o ploaie torențială se pornește. E așa de puternică, iar sunetele sunt așa de asurzitoare,  că de multe ori cred că nu mai am scăpare. E o călătorie…

Ich über Mich

Ich bin schön, ich bin gut, ich habe aber nicht viel Mut, ich bin glücklich und gesund, aber manchmal geht’s nicht rund. Ich hab’ Freuden, ich hab Ängste doch ich geh’ auch durch die Engen. Ich bin komisch, ich bin schlau, ich bin manchmal auch mal grau. Ich hab’ Freunde und Familie, doch manchmal hilft…